1 Month Post-Op!
Today marks 30 days, a whole month since I walked into the OR. It feels like longer than that and I wish I could speed things up even more but I think I'm doing pretty well at this point all considered. I think one of my main obstacles is to get out a little bit more to prove to myself that I can do it and slowly integrate myself back into regular life. Slowly is the key word. For example I desperately need a hair cut!
I'm happy with how things look so far, I've come a long way. What's not apparent in the photos however is how numb my face still is, especially my chin and lower lip; that I can only open my mouth a little more than the width of one finger, and that my energy while greatly improved is still on the low side.
I left my elastics off for 4 hours last night and during that time my right lateral seemed to be knocking into my lower right incisor and eye tooth which hurts. The elastic also feels like it's pulling my lower right eye tooth too hard. I see Dr W for a cranial treatment tonight so I will mention it to him.
With the holidays coming up I am a little bit worried about what state I'll be in. I'm not sure I'll be ready for an adjustment before I leave Toronto for two weeks on the 16th. I just don't want to be stuck wearing these damn boxed elastics for longer than six weeks if I don't have to. Plus I really hope nothing dumb happens while I'm away, I definitely don't want to have to come back here and interrupt my vacation. But I'll try not to worry.
Does anyone want to do my Christmas shopping for me? ;o)