My Sister's LeFort!!
Finally I get to see my sister Karen's results! She lives out of town from me so this is my first chance to see her new smile! Here she is before braces on the left, and before surgery on the right:

And here she is about 5 weeks post-op from LeFort I advancement. Her OS also widened her maxilla:

I think she looks great! Cute even! I think the photo on the left really shows the nice new position of her maxilla (reduced creases in her cheeks and the area above her top lip is nice and rounded), and her profile on the right is nice and balanced. Her profile looked really different to me at first but I'm already getting used to it! I'm a bit surprised that her OS chose not to do a BSSO but I think compared to me maybe her chin is prominent while my entire mandible is too long. My OD thinks maybe I could get away with only a LeFort as well though, so we'll see what happens. In the meantime I am very happy for Karen, she looks great and I can tell you that she is glad to finally have this over with. It will be interesting to see further changes as she continues to heal, and I get to live vicariously until it's my turn. If Karen is any example I definitely have something to look forward to! Yay Karen!!!